Status of KOSMA

  • Comprehensive Management 126

  • Crew management 22

  • Member Companies 148

  • Number of Ships 1,957

  • Number of Crew 7,562

※ Source: Statistics of the Korea Ship Managers Association (June 2021)

Association work

Implementation of the Youth Training Program for the Digital Ship Management

The KOSMA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Administration and Security and the Busan Metropolitan City, is implementing the ‘Youth Training Project for Digital Ship Management’ in order to strengthen the competitiveness of locally specialized industries and promote the revitalization of the local economy by providing stable jobs for young people living in Busan and a chance to recruit an outstanding work force who can respond to the introduction of eco-friendly and smart ships for ship management companies.
As for the support amount, if a company hires a young person for the digital ship management task* with an annual salary of KRW 28.8 million (KRW 2.4 million monthly) or above, the company is entitled to the support fund amounting to KRW 1.8 million per person a month. As of this year, companies can receive support of up to KRW 16.2 million as labor costs for 9 months.
* (Digital ship management task) Digital management task of ship navigation that comprehensively monitors the status of ship navigation using the IT technology (excluding workers at sea)
This year, the project is aimed at supporting six youth participants (up to six participating companies): three for the first half and three for the second half. Currently, each of the three youth participants for the first half has already been hired by one of the three participating companies* by going through the hiring process in February to March following the recruitment and selection of participating companies in January. As a result of quarterly on-site monitoring to confirm project performance, it was confirmed that all companies participating in the project in the first half of the year were implementing the project diligently.
* G-Marine Service Co., Ltd., KSS Marine Co., Ltd., and KLCSM Corporation
Three companies* participating in the project in the second half of the year were also selected during this June through the same process as in the first half. Each company plans to hire one youth participant from July to August.
* Goldilocks-Shipping Co., Ltd., Kmarine Ocean Services Corp., G-Marine Service Co., Ltd.